Bowing Technique Lessons for Classical Players
Playing with the bow is an essential technique for all double bassists. We make it easy to understand and quick to learn with these free video lessons.
Classical master, David Allen Moore, teaches how to avoid chatter in the bow when it makes contact with the string in under 3 minutes!
Classical master, David Allen Moore, teaches practice techniques using a well known difficult passage from Mozart 35.
Classical master, David Allen Moore teaches he topic of transferring weight into the string and how that relates to the point of contact in German bow.
Our top 10 lesson suggestions for intermediate and advancing, including thumb position, intonation, bowing technique and scales!
In a preview lesson from her course, Phoebe teaches how to excel at the orchestral excerpt Beethoven 5, Scherzo.
A lesson on bass line reduction in a Baroque style, using Air on the G String by J.S. Bach. This is a preview lesson from our course, Baroque Double Bass.
Jason teaches how to correctly shift in and out of thumb position on the double bass.
A quick lesson where Jason explains how to maintain the correct left-hand shape with the fingers that aren’t doing anything.
In this lesson, Jason explains what a good sound looks like.
A guide to perfecting thumb position technique from Jason Heath’s new course ‘Intermediate to Advanced Classical Bass’.
In this preview lesson from Jason Heath’s course ‘Beginner's Classical Bass’, Jason teaches bow lifts for the double bass.
A preview lesson from Orchestra Chops Vol. 2 by Joseph Conyers, where he explores phrasing in Mozart’s Symphony No. 40.
Jason Heath teaches how to get a clean, good-sounding trill on the double bass.
Jason Heath shows and explains how he holds the double bass bow, and how it should be centered, support and well-balanced.
In this quick video, Jason Heath shows us how to correctly apply rosin to a double bass bow.
A demonstration by Joseph Conyers on how to get a rich, full sound from your double bass using the scooping technique.
This is a preview lesson from Joseph Conyer’s course ‘Orchestra Chops Vol. 1’. The lesson covers the exposition melody from Mozart Symphony 39.
In this double bass lesson, David Allen Moore teaches the Phantom Hand exercise.
In this lesson, Marcos Machado describes the different hand positions of the pivot.
In this lesson David Allen Moore discusses the sound concept for bowed double bass.
In this video David Allen Moore explains how to switch between spiccato and legato bow strokes on the double bass.
In this lesson David Allen Moore teaches bow changes with the German bow.
In this lesson David Allen Moore teaches how to play the E string with the German bow.
In this double bass lesson Lauren Pierce teaches the Dry Heave exercise.
In this double bass lesson Lauren Pierce explains what Glowing Tones are and how they can help to improve your intonation.
In this lesson Lauren Pierce teaches how to choose the double bass fingerings for Bach's 1st cello suite.
Lauren Pierce teaches how to feel the pulse when performing Schubert's Arpeggione sonata on the double bass.
Lauren Pierce teaches the double bass solo from the 3rd movement of Mahler's 1st Symphony.
The ultimate articulations and markings guide for double bass with 20 video examples.
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Jason Heath teaches the basics of spiccato bowing technique on the double bass.