Beginner's Slap Bass Lesson: The Single Slap

Preview Lesson from the Course

I'm thrilled to share our first video lesson from our latest course, Slap That Bass! by Slick Joe Fick. In this video, Joe teaches the foundation of good technique - the single slap. To demonstrate, he channels the legendary slap bassist Willie Dixon over a slow blues. Joe is joined in the studio by his incredible band, Kelley's Heroes and we have included a backing track so you can play along with them at home.

Please find the band backing tracks with and without the bass below the video, where you can also download the transcription for this lesson.

Backing Tracks


Slap That Bass!

Slap That Bass! is an online course presented by slap bass extraordinaire 'Slick' Joe Fick. This course teaches slap bass techniques on the upright bass in a step-by-step fashion. It's a comprehensive method to get you playing cool slap bass lines, hot solos, and slick licks! It comprises 34 lessons over three hours and covers a wide range of topics on slap bass playing, presented by one of the slap bass world's most exciting artists. Many of the videos feature guitar and drums accompaniment by Joe's band (Kelley's Heroes) and we also provide play-along tracks of each recording. Detailed transcriptions of Joe Fick's bass lines, licks, and solos are included in the course. It's your one-stop-shop for getting to grips with this super cool technique.