Joseph Conyers' Gear: Strings, Bass & Bow

Interview with Joesph Conyers

Geoff Chalmers chats to Joseph Conyers to find out about the double bass gear he uses, including his Instagram-famous bass ‘Norma’, his preferred string length, strings, and bow collection. Plus, Joseph gives a performance of an orchestral excerpt featured in his course, Orchestra Chops Vol. 1. The excerpt he plays is Beethoven's Symphony No. 5, Trio – Movement III: mm. 161-196.


Vincenzo Panormo - Luthier

Thomastik Spirocore strings

Flexocor strings

Belcanto strings

Charles Husson Bows

Jean Grunberger Bows

Vladimir Radosavljevic Bows

Guarneri House

Joseph’s Instagram

Joseph’s Facebook

The Philadelphia Orchestra

Please note, the bass Joseph is holding in the video is Geoff’s bass, which you can find out more about here.

Check out Joseph’s Courses

Orchestra Chops Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 are out now. Or, invest in Orchestra Chops: The Complete Collection and save $30.



Behind the scenes:

Photos © Discover Double Bass


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