Reharmonisation with Pedal Tones – Darn That Dream

walking bass lines lesson with olivier babaz

In this lesson, Olivier teaches advanced harmonic techniques to diversify and improve your bass lines. He shares his practice tips on building your harmonic vocabulary through reharmonisation with pedal tones. With help from guitarist Sam Dunn, Olivier demonstrates the difference between playing root bass notes compared to the reharmonisation of the chords using the jazz standard 'Darn That Dream'.

The final performance of 'Darn That Dream' written by Jimmy Van Heusen is at 14:30. To download the free transcription of Olivier’s performance, please see below the video.

This is a preview lesson from Olivier’s full-length online course The Creative Improvisor. If you’re looking to transform your jazz improvisation skills in new, creative ways, then check out this 5+ hour course! You can also learn more from Olivier in his free lessons in our lessons library.

Courses by Olivier Babaz