Lesson on Lower Leading Tones with Transcription and Backing Track
This video is a preview lesson from John Goldsby’s new course:
Lay it Down: Creating Jazz Bass LinES
Master jazz bassist John Goldsby teaches how to find lower leading tones and how to use them to create great walking bass lines. Follow along with John's lesson with the free transcription and use the backing track to practice through the links below.
This lesson is a preview lesson from John's new course, Lay it Down: Creating Jazz Bass Lines.
Please note, in the course, there are full transcriptions, backing tracks with and without the bass, and the bass-only track all available to download.
John Goldsby’s courses with Discover Double Bass
Lay it Down: Creating Jazz Bass Lines
Lay it Down is a new online course by John Goldsby providing everything you need to create great walking bass lines. In this course, John presents his methodical approach to improvising your jazz bass lines with 40 lessons over 5 hours of video lessons. John unveils how he developed his bass line technique with three important aspects: theoretical knowledge, technical ability, and studying historical bass lines from the greats. Alongside his live band, he covers everything you need to know with step-by-step lessons containing his patterns, exercises, and etudes on topics including rhythmic embellishments, bass line construction, and creating melodic bass lines. There are also transcriptions of all of John's bass lines, exercises, and transcriptions of great bass lines from Percy Heath, Ron Carter, Ray Brown, Paul Chambers, Sam Jones & more!

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